This just in from the News Desk....Holden's surgery has been
tentatively scheduled for next week. We have survived another round of scheduling meetings. Yes it was originally scheduled for this week but there are a lot of kids/babies already in the hospital that need surgery ASAP. This is bittersweet for us. On the one hand we had gotten in the mindset that surgery would be on Monday, then on Wednesday and had been able to wrap our heads around the fact our son would be having yet another open heart surgery...On the other hand he is healthy enough that they are able to push his surgery back. Holden had a cardio appointment this week and she keep saying how good he looked and how healthy he was, as he tried to eat the stethoscope from around her neck, so there's a feather in his cap. Thank you all for the kind words and prayers.
UPDATE: Surgery may now be in June, could be earlier, could be June...we wait
Last week's events:
Wednesday we attended the first meeting of the Mended Little Hearts, Orlando chapter. We met with other parents who's child has also had heart surgery and who have also heart the words "your child has a heart defect". It was nice to talk with other people who have been in our shoes and know how we are feeling and what we are going through.
Last Friday Holden was asked to be a special guest at the hospital for the American Heart Association's Heart Walk kick off. Basically it was all the team captains from last year. His video was shown and Trey and I were asked to say a few words. Holden was his usually self, flirting with all the ladies and hamming it up.
AHA Heart Walk Kick off- With Ann Ngo Heart Walk Dir